Hi! I’m Jessica Gremley, Founder and CEO of Natural Acne Clinic (NAC). With this blog, I share the results of a very personal journey — 15 years of education and research — to understand the secret to clearing my own hormonal acne.
When I launched my clinic, my passion was to help others with this problem — so they would learn why acne occurs, especially hormonal acne, and how this frustrating condition can be treated naturally.
With every new client, I have the opportunity to finally debunk misleading myths — and incorrect information — about how hormonal acne can be cleared. The information I share is the result of my research — because it’s led me to resolve my own hormonal acne condition.
Today, my clear skin is evidence of that success, and I want all my clients (and readers) to experience the same relief and joy at finally achieving clear skin with a natural treatment.
You may have read that the “natural” approach will not be as effective as a more harsh treatment like Accutane. That’s simply not true!
Topical treatments, birth control pills, and pharmaceuticals can be too harsh, actually harming facial skin. These are traditional approaches that don’t consider the holistic synergy within the body. These harsh treatments can be replaced — as we do at Natural Acne Clinic.
The onset of adult acne has grown increasingly common — especially in women in their 30s, 40s and 50s, according to The American Academy of Dermatology.
Up to 50% of women in their 20’s — and 25% of women in their 40s — struggle with acne triggered by hormonal changes.
Stress, diet, pregnancy and menopause can cause these hormonal imbalances, resulting in acne around the lower cheek, jaw and chin. The acne often appears red and inflamed, and can be painful.
The good news: we’ve discovered the three best natural treatments for hormonal acne — which you’ll learn here.
how Hormones Cause Acne
Here’s a quick biology lesson — to explain the link between hormones and acne.
Hormones play a significant role in the development of acne. While scientists don’t yet know the mechanism behind this connection, there is strong evidence that androgen hormones trigger oil production, which blocks the follicle.
Androgens are called “male hormones” although both males and females have these hormones. Our ovaries, testes and the adrenal glands all produce androgen hormones. Testosterone is the best-known androgen, as is testosterone’s breakdown product — dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
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Science has shown that androgen hormone receptors exist at two points — at each oil gland’s base — and in each pore’s cells. High levels of testosterone, when circulating in the body, can overwhelm these androgen receptors.
Testosterone hormones will attach at both sets of receptors. In the oil glands, the hormones will cause excess oil production — and will feed bacteria in the pores. The result is an inflamed acne lesion that shows up on your skin’s surface.
TAKEAWAY: When you lower androgen and testosterone levels, the skin will produce little or no acne.
Estrogen plays a role, too
This hormonal duo — estrogen and testosterone — often behave like a playground teeter-totter — one goes up, the other goes down.
Hormonal acne is not caused by elevated estrogen, but by elevated androgen/ testosterone and low estrogen. That’s why taking herbal supplements that “block” estrogen (including diindolylmethane, or DIM) only worsens your acne. And increased testosterone causes cyst breakouts. For these reasons, we do not advise taking DIM for hormonal acne.
When you lower androgen levels, the skin will produce less oil — improving your acne!

Why Does Hormonal Acne Occur?
Unhealthy Diet Plays a Role
The food you eat greatly affects hormone levels, causing them to fluctuate. Most Americans tend to eat a very acidic diet full of saturated fats (meat fats), refined sugar and processed grains. This “Standard American Diet” has been well-researched, showing multiple negative affects on overall health — including an imbalance in testosterone and androgen levels.
When you switch to a healthy diet, you adopt an eating pattern that benefits your body in multiple ways. The antioxidants in fresh veggies, fruits, fish and whole grains will tame inflammation and fight damage to cells which leads to disease.
A healthy diet is also a natural treatment for hormonal acne. Adding specific herbs and vitamins — including Vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and selenium — will also help balance hormone levels. We will discuss these in greater detail below.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
For some women, hormone imbalance causes her ovaries to form very small cysts instead of releasing eggs. This condition is PCOS, and occurs when women have very low levels of estrogen and progesterone — and high androgen levels, including testosterone.
Researchers do not completely understood these changes in hormone levels, and why they occur. PCOS causes multiple symptoms:
- Acne
- Lack of a monthly period
- Irregular period
- Thinning head hair
- Hair growth on chest, face or breasts
- Dark skin markings on neck, armpits, groin or breasts
- Decreased breast size
Increased androgen level causes these male-characteristic symptoms — resulting in oily skin and acne breakouts on the face, chest, and upper back.
If you recognize these PCOS symptoms, including acne, please contact your physician for testing and diagnosis.
Low-Dose Birth Control Pills
These tablets are low in estrogen, which tends to increase the androgen levels — again, the teeter-totter effect.
Generally, if you are prone to acne, it’s best to take low-dose estrogen birth control pills due to these high androgenic effects. Speak with your doctor about birth control that has a higher estrogen dose with lower androgen potency.
TAKEAWAY: Remove the IUD or quit low-dose birth control pills — and switch to a safe birth control pill that meets your estrogen and androgen needs, to keep your skin clear.
At Natural Acne Clinic, we do not advocate birth control pills or devices to “balance” hormone levels or to clear acne. We believe in selecting birth control to prevent pregnancy and keep your skin clear.
Achieve Clear Skin By Treating Hormonal Acne Naturally
1. Nutritional Supplements
Hormonal acne can be difficult to clear, but a few strategies will help balance hormones for natural acne relief — including vitamins and herbs.
Vitex Supplement for Acne
Women are typically bothered by hormonal acne at the jawline and chin. You may benefit from taking Vitex for acne, as many women have found success with this treatment.
Vitex agnus castus, also called Chasteberry, is considered a “woman’s herb” traditionally used for hormonal imbalance.
Many women take Vitex for menstrual symptoms occurring in the luteal phase (starts at ovulation and ends at onset of your next period). Depression, mood swings, crying, nervousness, anxiety and acne are common symptoms.
Vitex is also helpful with symptoms of high estrogen levels, including pain, tender breasts, bloating and heavy periods.
Research shows that Vitex helps support balanced, healthy hormone levels and relieves pre-menstrual symptoms. Vitex is also an effective natural hormonal acne treatment.
How Vitex Works to Relieve Acne
Researchers believe the natural components of Vitex affect the pituitary and hypothalamus glands. The herbal compound increases the luteinizing hormone (LH) production and mildly inhibits the release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). The result is a shift in ratio of estrogen to progesterone, as the level of progesterone rises — an indirect effect of Vitex.
While Vitex is not a hormone, it is an herb that helps balance natural estrogen and progesterone. With this balance in estrogen, the androgens also become balanced.
We advise taking Vitex every morning between 7-8am. Your pituitary and hypothalamus glands are active at that time, and able to regulate female sex hormones. The full benefits of Vitex for acne will appear within 3-5 months.
At Natural Acne Clinic, we offer an organic, vegan and therapeutic-grade Vitex specially formulated for hormonal acne treatment.

Saw Palmetto
Saw Palmetto is a small palm that is native to the southeastern US, with fan-shaped leaves and sharp-teeth stalks. Berries from this palm tree are the basis of saw palmetto supplements — which are used to decrease both inflammation and testosterone.
The berries contain a compound believed to block testosterone, a natural anti-androgenic effect that can help reduce acne breakouts for both women and men.
Saw Palmetto is typically marketed to men, but women can benefit as well! Women are advised to take the herb if they have:
- PCOS diagnosis
- Periods more than 36 days apart
- Signs of excess testosterone like dark, coarse hair growth on upper lip, chin, naval or areola, skin darkening on the underarms, or overweight with small breasts
Saw Palmetto is considered a natural replacement for Spironolactone when prescribed for acne — as it is a natural androgen reducer.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA can be an effective hormonal acne treatment, research shows. These essential fatty acids soothe the body’s inflammatory response, including excess sebum and bacteria. These healthy fats also help balance the acne-causing hormones testosterone and androgen.
We advise taking Clove Hill Skin Omega-3, as well as eating foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids — including salmon, tuna, sardines, walnuts, and almonds as an effective hormonal acne treatment.

2. Foods Affect Hormonal Acne
In 1984, researchers published the first evidence of the diet-hormone connection — in a study conducted in Finland.
Decrease saturated fat:
In their six-week study, Finnish researchers, led by Dr. Esa Hamalainen, found that that eating the “bad fats” did affect hormone levels. When volunteers switched from a high saturated fat diet — to eating 38% less fat and more polyunsaturated fats (seeds, nuts, leafy greens, fish, and algae) — they experienced a significant reduction in both testosterone and androstenedione (precursor to testosterone).
Increase dietary fiber:
While the connection may not seem obvious, eating fiber can help clear your skin! One study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found a higher incidence of acne in people whose diet was high in refined carbohydrates, including sugar. Research shows that a high-fiber diet can decrease DHT, DHEA and blood testosterone — androgens that trigger hormonal acne.
Most Americans get 13 grams of fiber daily, whereas the recommended daily amount is 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men. Simply eating whole-wheat bread, rice and pasta — instead of white — can help reduce the severity of acne.
Avoid cow’s milk:
Research shows that dairy contains high levels of iodine, which can cause acne. The milk does not naturally contain iodine, but farmers give cows iodine-fortified feed to prevent infection. Iodine solutions are also used to sanitize cow udders and milking equipment. Due to these practices, iodine gets into the milk.
A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology indicates that consuming dairy – low-fat/skim milk — is much higher among teens who have acne. Goat and sheep milk is much safer.
Plant-based milks: While many people have turned to plant-based milk substitutes — almond, oat, soy milks — be careful to check nutritional labels for sugar. Flavored oat milk, for example, has a relatively high sugar/carbohydrate level. Plain unsweetened oatmilk, almond, hemp and soy milk have very low or no sugar/ carbohydrate levels — so they would be best choices in helping prevent acne.
Increase alkaline foods; reduce acidic foods:
Meat proteins, coffee, alcohol, sugar and processed grains – typical of the American diet — produce acid in the gut. This leads to acidosis, or over-acidified diet – which leads to fatigue.
Along with fatigue, people get tired quickly (both physically and mentally), feel depressed, lose their sex drive and sleep quality suffers. In advanced stages, the symptoms of acidosis include low blood pressure, low blood sugar, sensitivity to cold, and hypo- or hyperthyroid.
These symptoms occur with acidosis because the body uses critical minerals — calcium, magnesium and potassium — to neutralize the acids, instead of nourishing the nervous system.
Studies show that eating alkaline foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains help neutralize these acids. When you switch to a healthier diet, you will feel healthier, full of energy, in just a few days!
3. Ease Your Stress
These days, we feel pressure — and the stress it causes. We try our best to reduce the constant stress that drains our quality of life, but that’s not so easy.
If you’ve noticed extra pimples during stressful times, you’re not alone. Research shows there’s a link between stress and acne flares.
When we’re feeling stress, this activates the adrenal glands — which produce extra androgen hormones — and that triggers inflamed acne breakouts in acne-prone skin. These extra hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands in the skin and trigger breakouts.
The stress-hormone connection is a greater problem for women than it is for men — as women produce the majorityof their male hormones (androgens) in their adrenal glands.
Men produce most of their male hormones in the testes and only a very small amount in the adrenal glands.
Men’s primary hormone is testosterone, and stress causes production of excess testosterone. This does not affect men as strongly as it affects women. Since women produce about one-tenth of testosterone as men, a sudden surge of additional testosterone can have a significant impact on the body — and the skin.
What’s more, stress also causes high levels of acidity. Eating more alkaline foods neutralizes these acids while also reducing cortisol levels.
To protect the adrenal glands from a surge of androgens (testosterone), it’s critical to protect them! The Adrenal Stress Formula is one of the easiest ways to prevent that androgen spike from affecting our skin and triggering a breakout.3
Use Nature’s Healers
As must be evident, we are very passionate about treating hormonal acne — primarily because it’s ignored by mainstream skincare professionals who treat blemished skin.
We have identified wonderful topical products on the market (and on our shelves at Natural Acne Clinic) to effectively address hormones in achieving lifelong clear skin. I have successfully resolved my personal acne problem — and I’ve helped thousands of clients as well. Hopefully you’ve seen how I can help you. Let us show you it’s possible!
Ready to clear your acne for good? We can help. Book your Holistic Acne Consultation.