We’ve integrated a handy tool to help you check for pore-clogging ingredients in your skincare products.
For detailed instructions and additional resources, visit our partner's page at Natural Acne Clinic.

Powered by Natural Acne Clinic


To find out if your product includes a pore clogging ingredient, simply look up your product online and find its 'ingredients' section. Copy & paste into the box below and click 'Check Ingredients’. Voila! Instant pore-clogging info at your fingertips. Happy skincare hunting!

If you're prone to acne, always inspect skincare and haircare products for comedogenic ingredients before applying them. Labels like "noncomedogenic," "oil free," or "safe for pores" on packaging do not guarantee they are suitable for your skin. Because there's no regulatory oversight, skincare companies can advertise products as promoting clear skin while including pore-clogging ingredients. Prior to use, carefully examine the ingredient list of any product intended for your face or hair.

Disclaimer: This tool is helpful for a first scan but not 100% accurate, and checking using our pore clogger list is the only way to be 100% sure.